I buy either the Independent,the Guardian or if I just want a quick overview of whats going on at the minute I might force myself to buy The Sun.
In general however I don't buy any newspapers. The websites for the guardian and Independent are very good.
While many scoff at these two papers I feel they tackle issues from the correct angle. The Independent is frequently derided as being a viewspaper and not a newspaper. I say that's what makes it so good.
The Sun is just trash. A tool of Murdoch to brainwash the mass's. Plenty of celebrity "news" stories for those that can't grasp the realities of the world. Frequently opposes the BBC (not that Im defending it) and finds any excuse it can to have a pop at it.
Why does it do this?
Because of its blatant ties with Sky. In effect, major stakeholders of The Sun are in direct competition with the BBC. People may not be aware of that while reading the scathing critique of things such as the recent Brand - Ross debacle.
Also, the ridiculous front page story about the Hillsborough disaster is an example of the absolute garbage this paper spews forth.
The Daily Mail is just sensationalist claptrap. Constantly groaning about how the country is going down the toilet and going on about the outrageous lawlessness of Britain etc etc. Life was better in the 50's apparently. All kids are rude little T*ats that should be forced to go through national service. Oh and of course anyone claiming benefits is bang in the middle of their radar. I used to read this paper from time to time and I could never work out why I felt angry afterwards. Its because the bloody thing is written in a tone which makes the reader feel like its him against the world. Its SHITE!!!! The columnists are so right wing that even the BNP are outraged by some of things they write. That last bit might not be true.
The Times is readable but is a bit too right wing for me and besides, Murdoch owns that as well now. May as well buy the sun instead, its cheaper.
The Daily Express - See The Daily Mail.
The Mirror- Ive never really read this. It just looks shit. Z list celebs all over the shop.
As for the other papers I haven't really bothered with many of them
In relation to what you had to say about the "drug companies" I can only hark back to my comment about improvements in machinery and (more relevant to this article)technology! It is because the owner of the company seeks immense profit that there are such advancements in drug technology, if the boardroom was run by a committee of it's socialist employees then maybe such advancements would not come about. I suppose what I am saying is such leaps forward spring from the intoxication of the individual imagination, rather then the sober committees!
And you were exactly right Bob, thanks for pointing me towards this article!
I was wondering what newspaper you read, when you talk about papers like 'The Daily Mail'?
I buy either the Independent,the Guardian or if I just want a quick overview of whats going on at the minute I might force myself to buy The Sun.
In general however I don't buy any newspapers. The websites for the guardian and Independent are very good.
While many scoff at these two papers I feel they tackle issues from the correct angle. The Independent is frequently derided as being a viewspaper and not a newspaper. I say that's what makes it so good.
The Sun is just trash. A tool of Murdoch to brainwash the mass's. Plenty of celebrity "news" stories for those that can't grasp the realities of the world. Frequently opposes the BBC (not that Im defending it) and finds any excuse it can to have a pop at it.
Why does it do this?
Because of its blatant ties with Sky. In effect, major stakeholders of The Sun are in direct competition with the BBC. People may not be aware of that while reading the scathing critique of things such as the recent Brand - Ross debacle.
Also, the ridiculous front page story about the Hillsborough disaster is an example of the absolute garbage this paper spews forth.
The Daily Mail is just sensationalist claptrap. Constantly groaning about how the country is going down the toilet and going on about the outrageous lawlessness of Britain etc etc. Life was better in the 50's apparently. All kids are rude little T*ats that should be forced to go through national service. Oh and of course anyone claiming benefits is bang in the middle of their radar. I used to read this paper from time to time and I could never work out why I felt angry afterwards. Its because the bloody thing is written in a tone which makes the reader feel like its him against the world. Its SHITE!!!! The columnists are so right wing that even the BNP are outraged by some of things they write. That last bit might not be true.
The Times is readable but is a bit too right wing for me and besides, Murdoch owns that as well now. May as well buy the sun instead, its cheaper.
The Daily Express - See The Daily Mail.
The Mirror- Ive never really read this. It just looks shit. Z list celebs all over the shop.
As for the other papers I haven't really bothered with many of them
In relation to what you had to say about the "drug companies" I can only hark back to my comment about improvements in machinery and (more relevant to this article)technology! It is because the owner of the company seeks immense profit that there are such advancements in drug technology, if the boardroom was run by a committee of it's socialist employees then maybe such advancements would not come about. I suppose what I am saying is such leaps forward spring from the intoxication of the individual imagination, rather then the sober committees!
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