Official estimates put benefit fraud at around 600-800 million pounds a year.
Quite a figure one would have to agree.
However consider this.
A TUC commissioned report published earlier this year found that around 35 billion pounds (yes I said 35 BILLION!!) was lost to the treasury through tax avoidance and evasion. Now lets be clear.
Avoidance is not illegal. It's tax that the treasury would like to collect and intends to collect. But the big companies and wealthy individuals pay lawyers lots of money to use legal loopholes and complex money transactions to avoid the tax. Although not illegal, its clearly not in the spirit of the tax laws.
Evasion is just what it says on the tin and is illegal. Evasion accounts for around 10 billion pounds of the 35 billion.
So the big question(s) is(are) :- Why the daily attacks against benefit claimants in all the trash rags like The Daily Mail, The Express and The Sun? Where is the mention of the tax evaders? Is it possible that the groups that own these public opinion creating juggernauts have vested interests? If so then what are these interests? Do the pseudo middle class sheep enjoy bashing benefit fraudsters because it re-inforces their own ill conceived opinion (re-inforced by the trash rags), that the fraudsters are a natural extension of the working class who are too lazy to get "decent" jobs. The working class are to be looked down upon and booted as often as possible.
It is all to easy for the middle aged, middle class man to turn to page 2 of the Daily Mail, sip his wine and start talking about how he created his own luck and the scum off the nearby council estate should be bombed. As he is doing this his thoughts turn to the fact that his carpet is getting a bit worn and he's paid his accidental damage insurance for nearly a full year without claiming (last time it was the T.V, next door had got one of them flat screens so water "accidentally" got poured down the back of the old one), surely its time to spill some wine over it and claim for a new carpet, after all it's a victimless crime.
There we have part of the answer. These papers do have a vested interest because if they did not print the sanctimonious hypocritical shite then the sanctimonious middle class hypocrites would not buy it. They need to be reassured and patted on the head. "Well done chaps you've made it".
If we weigh up the lost tax revenue against benefit fraud then its obvious we should be concentrating on the tax evading criminal class's.
Could it be that there is something slightly smug and clever about hiding your cash from the tax man? Does the middle class criminal justify it to him/herself by saying "I worked for it, I'll be damned if its going to be spent on a drug rehabilitation program for people that should really be shot". Woe betide the group of youths with nothing to do who make noise a few decibels above that of a self made man shredding his incriminating invoices.
"They need to be taught a lesson, how dare they stand on my street corner" he says as he downs another glass of wine (that's only 3 bottles this week but he's got a stressful job and isn't really an alcoholic).
When one considers the history of the Daily Mail it isn't all that surprising that the self righteous middle class hold some of the views and carry out some of the "victimless" crimes that they do.
In the 30's the Daily Mail's owner was a friend of both Hitler and Mussolini (spelling??). The papers owner hoped that Hitler would become known as "Adolf the Great" in Britain and supported the invasion of western Czechoslovakia. The paper supported appeasement. It supported Oswald Moseley and the blackshirts.
The paper only changed its stance when threatened with closure by the British government.
n 2001 at the 27th G8 Summit held in Genoa, Italy; 93 peaceful anti-globalisation protesters were brutally beaten by the Italian police, falsely imprisoned and made to chant fascist slogans. Posing as a British Embassy official, a woman from the Daily Mail took pictures of some of the prisoners including journalist Mark Covell. The next day the Daily Mail ran a front page story including an entirely false report describing Covell as having helped mastermind the riots. It took 4 years for the newspaper to apologise and pay Covell damages for invasion of privacy.
The Daily Mail is quite rightly known as the Daily Heil. A stain on the memory of all those who fought and died in the second world war. Yet look through the window of a private housing estate and there he is, yep you guessed it, the middle class sheep is wearing his poppy while turning to page 4 which has the obligatory details of a family of 9 living in 2 adjoining council houses that have been knocked together(he's just read the other obligatory bit about how many "decent" British families are leaving the country).
Unfortunately middle class Britain has lost the ability to think for itself (if it ever could). It is up to all of the rest of us to tell them exactly how full of shit they are.
It is up to you to rescue them from madness.
Bobby Boy, very well thought out post. Have you thought perhaps of doing something about this shit hole mess we live in, run for MP or something?
Couldn't take the pay cut to run as an MP John. Haha just kidding.
Got to be a lawyer these days John. Councillor would be good but would have to be part time coz of the pay.
Rob D
I also enjoyed reading this post, at the very least you should have a weekly column in one of the great papers like The Times, The Independent and the Hull Daily Mail! All newspapers have a target audience which it gears it's "News" towards! But then again, you already new that! :)
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